Project Portfolio Management Software

Project Portfolio Management Software

CMW Project Portfolio Management solution allows keeping multiple projects under control at all project stages. It enables alignment of corporate resources across all business units throughout project initiation, project planning and project execution. It provides complex reporting on resource and cost spend enabling project management optimization and project prioritization.

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Project Planning

CMW Project Portfolio Management solution covers all project planning stages including multi-step approvals and iterative reviews performed leveraging fully configurable business process management and case management capabilities of CMW Platform.

As part of the overall project lifecycle management, CMW Project Portfolio Management software allows compiling enterprise-scale project plans including partner projects. Project planning includes the “what if” analysis that allows predicting potential impact of various resource allocation options on all projects within the project portfolio.

Learn more about Project Planning

Gantt chart
Project Execution & Tracking

Within each project, task performers receive tasks they’ve been assigned to as well as all the related data and documentation. Knowledge sharing and access to subject matter experts is enabled through the unified CMW social collaborative environment. Timely updates on task completion progress are provided to team members and the project manager.

Learn more about Project Tracking

Project Execution & Tracking

Resource Management

CMW Resource Management provides for initial resource planning, resource allocation and workload management, unified time management and resource demand reporting. Unlike stand-alone resource management solutions, CMW Lab enables handling of all types of resources engaged in collaborative work — such as processes, cases and projects.

Learn more about Resource Management

Resource Management and Allocation
Project Reporting

Project reporting covers different aspects of project portfolio management starting from a high-level view on all active projects to in-depth reports including budget, task progress, time spend and other.

Project Reporting  Project Reporting

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