OpEx Management and Control

OpEx Management and Control

CMW Platform

A process-based OpEx management software for reliable cost containment and safeguarding business from the financial drain. Get approval process for each of your OpEx categories automated within hours and no code, Make sure that each OpEx request is reviewed and approved based on budgeted amounts, and remain your organization competitive and cost-effective.

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Flexible OpEx processes for operational excellence

Operational expenses (OpEx), including rent, business travel, and insurance, constitute a significant portion of regular business costs. To remain competitive, it's crucial for managers to explore ways to reduce OpEx without compromising quality or productivity.

CMW OpEx software is designed to automate OpEx approval, CapEx processes, operation plans, budget development, and other financial workflows without relying on IT support. CMW Platform condenses multiple steps into a single automated process, reducing labor and supply costs. Additionally, it minimizes the risk of transaction integrity violations, lightens back-end workloads, and enhances security.

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The Best Business Process Management Software in 2023

CMW Platform is rated #1 BPM suite in 2023 to start your business automation.

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Key OpEx management features

Automated OpEx Management

Simplify OpEx approval and flow with transparency, efficiency, and manageability.

  • Eliminate the use of spreadsheets and email for financial process tracking
  • Create responsibility-based workflows with a web-based visual process editor
  • Ensure timely and accurate OpEx request routing, notifications, and reporting
  • Visualize expense lifecycles with a comprehensive diagram
CapEx Approval Process  Automated OpEx Management

OpEx Request Forms

Effortlessly design OpEx request forms to ensure request integrity.

  • Graphical form builder with drag-and-drop elements to design the exact form layout you want.
  • Easily configurable form tabs and data fields
  • The same request processes across company departments
  • Changes to web-forms with no need to pause the process 
  • OpEx data export to MS Word and MS Excel
CapEx approval workflows  OpEx Request Forms

OpEx Communication and Collaboration

Enhance OpEx communication within your organization while adhering to company policies.

  • Task completion by email or from mobile interface
  • Maintain collaborative process history, documents, and OpEx data in one place 
  • Out-of-band integration with MS Outlook, SharePoint and Active Directory
CapEx and OpEx  OpEx Communication and Collaboration

OpEx Tracking and Control

Identify and eliminate OpEx management bottlenecks on the fly:

  • Gain insights into OpEx workflows and process status
  • Generate a clear OpEx audit trail automatically
  • Integrate with accounting and ERP systems and export/import data to prevent errors in financial statements
CapEx management  OpEx Tracking and Control

Main benefits

Drive Efficiency:

  • Streamlined processes save time
  • Reduce human errors
  • Improve cost control
  • Enhance competitiveness

Stay Competitive:

  • Outperform competitors
  • Focus on growth, not paperwork
  • Realize substantial cost savings
  • Secure your financial future

How it works

  • Easy integration into your existing processes
  • Process automation without coding
  • Minimal IT support required
  • Powerful visual process builder
  • Any changes without system interruption
  • Quick setup and training

Powerful and easy finance automation tool you were seeking. Risk-free trial!

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