Social Collaboration Software

Social Collaboration Software

The Social Collaboration software supports private and public discussions allowing for knowledge sharing among co-workers and external system users. Thanks to the fully configurable Digital Workspace, CMW Social Collaboration tool ensures full traceability and accessibility of the business context.

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Team Collaboration Software Distinct Features

Communicate Across Your Tasks, Processes and Projects

CMW Team Collaboration tool supports communication within and across Processes, Projects, Cases and Tasks and unifies people and knowledge in a single work environment.

  • Regardless of the origin of the conversation – be that within a project, process or case – in enterprise social network it can be traced to the related activities and task performers
  • CMW Discussions allow getting rid of unstructured group e-mails and unrelated conversations common for instant messengers
  • Documents are managed centrally with advanced capabilities for archiving, versioning and notifications
  • CMW Rooms serve to engage colleagues as well as partners and customers to effectively collaborate as a single team
Team Collaboration in work  Communicate Across Your Tasks, Processes and Projects

Maximize Productivity

Team Collaboration software enhances individual, group and corporate productivity.

  • CMW Digital Workspaces maximize access to all communications, tasks and data for all group members within the enterprise social network
  • Traceable conversations, actionable discussions and configurable notifications make sure no task or piece of information gets lost
  • Pre-existing integration with Outlook and Active Directory enable a single click interface
  • Social Directory and visual OrgChart allow to easily find resources with the right skills, identify the department they belong to as well as their location and availability
CMW Team Network - Team Management  Maximize Productivity

Grow and Continually Optimize

CMW Social Collaboration tool ensures easy information exchange that contributes to process optimization.

  • Configurable dashboards and reporting tools provide for timely decision making
  • Rich business analytics is available for performance optimization
  • Changes can be made “on the fly” thanks to the meta-data driven approach of the enterprise social network
CMW Social Collaboration tool  Grow and Continually Optimize
Why CMW Lab
  • Fully actionable conversations allowing you to initiate tasks from discussions and documents
  • Fully traceable discussions, tasks and documents allowing tracing activities or files to their origination
  • Configurable notifications to ensure you and your team members are up to date on your activities
  • Rich capabilities for message filtering and categorization

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