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Personal Task Management Software: When Getting Personal Means Getting the Business Side of Things Done

Personal Task Management Software: When Getting Personal Means Getting the Business Side of Things Done

There’s Springpad. There’s Evernote. There’s Google Tasks and TeuxDeux. There’s a ton of personal task management software to choose from out there – perhaps hundreds, if not thousands – and depending on whom you’re asking, one is significantly better than the other. But “personal” being the operative word, one is inclined to ask, what does a personal task management software have to do with team-based tasks and enterprise-wide projects?

Task automation, working with teams and your personal task management tool

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Task automation

Automation is a tricky, if not sensitive, subject. Whenever automation is broached, many people think of robots displacing human beings, of jobs disappearing, of tax collections diminishing, of the economy collapsing. This belief, of course, isn’t unfounded, particularly when you think about Detroit and car manufacturing automation being a contributor to the city’s decline.

And yet without task automation, the chance of the modern-day worker having difficulty surviving one fine day at the office increases, where one fine day means having to juggle multiple tasks and assignments, needing to determine which is urgent from which is not based on the metrics the company utilizes, responding to requests from other project managers or departments, and perhaps worst of all, having to look at the monster that is your ever-growing to-do list.

Overwhelm, as they say, can effectively kill motivation, and employee demotivation is the last thing a team leader wants to deal with when working with tight deadlines. This is where a team collaboration software that also functions as a personal task management tool can help save the day.

Working with teams

When working with teams, what team-based task management tools normally do is streamline the task execution process from start to finish. When a team member successfully completes an assigned task, the task management engine sends out an auto-notification to the next person in the task chain. When a task is about to go overdue, the auto-notification system kicks into gear again, ensuring that every task is done properly and on time.

Comindware Tracker and personal task management

While collaboration is the force behind Comindware Tracker, the software also functions as a personal task management tool. When tasks are assigned to you, they become your responsibility, and this is where things get personal.

When you login to Comindware Tracker, all of your tasks appear in your main dashboard, along with vital information such as due date, level of priority, task status, and others. This way, right at the start of the work day, you already have an idea which tasks to tackle first and, quite possibly, how your entire day will shape up.

Aside from those assigned to you, you can also create your own tasks, such as a list of things you’ve done for the day, week, month, or quarter so that when it’s time to create a report, you won’t have to look through various emails, files or reporting platforms, essentially saving you tons of time for other tasks – personal task management at its best.


Trust and accountability are essential for teamwork to really work. Every member comprising a team has something to contribute, but until personal responsibility is seriously internalized, successful team execution may still be far ahead. That being the case, a collaboration application that supports personal task management in a flexible and user-friendly way becomes a vital tool in your team’s task management arsenal.

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Maricel Rivera works as a financial researcher for a multinational financial firm. Outside of her full-time work, especially when the financial reporting season isn’t at its peak, aside from online marketing, she also does freelance writing, specializing in the business and technology field. One of the topics she has already extensively covered and keeps exploring is work management. She currently explores product development trends, contributes to and provides tips for better use of Comindware Tracker workflow software

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